Define "happy relationship". Does it mean in a relationship,there won't be any misunderstanding or argument or fighting then it can only be considered as Happy? I just don't get it anymore the concept of relationship or love. And it's seriously making me so sick and tired of it. Everything is always so sweet n perfect in the first place before the relationship started off and the words " i love u" been uttered out every 5 mins BUT why does all this has to come to an end once the relationship has been stabilize? Sometimes i wonder if it takes so hard for a partner to remember all those sweet memories they had been through together. Does almost every couple always forgot what brought them together in the beginning? Why must arguments kill all those good memories and only anger been left in the soul? Sometimes love is so unfair, the more you sacrifice the more you hurt, and when your given your best to someone you LOVE, it seems not enough til such... time come, you had no choice but to give up. I'm not having a perfect relationship or even a happy one right now but somehow or rather,i'm still praying everyday hoping that one day,someday I can have back my man that used to love me and cherish me so much. Things changed and feeling grown apart but maybe, me being a girl is too soft-hearted and still never wanna give up on my man . Thinking back sometimes that you already have a lot invested in your partner. Take care of that investment.The payoff is usally greater than starting all over again.
Blogging ?? How should I start or what should I say? Although I’m clueless but yet I’m going to try because I have friends who suggested this to me and I thought I should give it a try…Alright…Let me start off with something that I feel like telling the world or at least someone that I wish I could say this to but unfortunately I can’t. Now I found the reason to blog. To share and to voice out my feelings to everyone that is willing to listen.
Love! Yeah…I know its common but this is what I want to say right at this moment. We are able to control who we like, who we want to fall in love with BUT what can we do if one day, you find yourself falling in love with someone that you’re not suppose to be with and you knew that you’re getting objections from every angle and everyone in your family? Can u fight against it?I cannot answer that myself for the time being.
Homosexual relationship – It has become uncommon although Asians still feel a little awkward towards others who are having this kind of relationship. Most Asians can’t seem to open up to accepting this into their culture but hey, what difference does it make? It’s still a relationship, a bond where two people from the same sex have build for one another and grow into love. Life is exciting and life with love is way better no matter who you love…be it with different race or the same sex. The word LOVE is something that one should take seriously because it is full of feelings and emotions. But when the going gets tough, what can one do?
I never have any objections towards homo relationship but instead I admire them for the courage that they have despite facing criticism or rejection from the world. Is it really so hard and so wrong by loving someone that is from the same sex? I do believe one thing, this is not something that a person have asked for.
It is fate. Fate does its wonder to this two very special same sex people for them to meet at one point in their life, getting to know each other, liking and falling for each other. They come together to build the life that they want with each other but still there are some people who are not supportive towards them? I can never understand why even own family members cannot accept this kind of love? Family members are always running away from reality when it is not something they long or hope for happened. However, when these special people have found love interest, shouldn’t the family be wishing them well and happiness forever? Instead, what we face most is that the family will disown their own kids or humiliate them in public for having homosexual relationship. It is still love. Give them support and encouragement because what they have done is just showering one another with love. They are not doing something harmful to the society. They just found one another in their life and all they ask for is love and support back from their own friends and family. Because, a relationship without family’s support could really hurt the relationship and they tend to break it apart.
Please do not make them miserable. What we can do is just so simple. Bless them with happiness and let them lead their lives in a wonderful way.